ConqHER Core Foundations

You’re only as strong as your foundations!

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ConqHER Core Foundations is a 12-week strength training program made specifically to help you build the important foundational core strength for women’s health.

Whether you’re newly (or not so newly!) postpartum and looking for guidance on core and pelvic floor rehab, or just getting into strengthening and exercise and want to make sure you do the basics to build the foundations first, this program is for you!

Does any of this sound familiar to you?

  • You want to make sure to rehab your core and pelvic floor postpartum, but you don’t know where to start
  • You want the postpartum guidance from a pelvic floor PT, but don’t have access or time for it.
  • You’re ready to get back to your normal exercise routine, but you’re nervous your body isn’t ready.
  • You’ve heard about the benefits of strength training for women and want to get started for the first time, but you know the importance of learning the basics first.
  • You’re not quite feeling back to “yourself” after having kids, even if it’s been a few years.
  • You feel like your abs and pelvic floor never fully recovered from pregnancy and you’re ready to fix it.
  • You’re confused about the RIGHT core exercises and nervous about protecting your core and pelvic floor.
  • You’ve heard your friends talk about all of those things they deal with since having a baby, and you want to be proactive and keep yourself from experiencing those things as well.

If any of this sounds familiar, then ConqHER Core Foundations is a great starting point for you!


What you’ll get out of this core strength program:

  • NConfidence in identifying correct and incorrect core activation in ANY activity or exercise
  • NThe tools you need to improve the appearance of your stomach and abdominal wall.
  • NThe foundational core and overall strength you need to get back to things in life the way you imagined postpartum.
  • NThe body mechanics that will keep you pain free while exercising, playing with your kids, and doing your daily activities.
  • NThe education for protecting your pelvic health in all activities, no matter what type of exercise you choose to go on to after the program.

“I’ve been able to get back to being active with confidence that I’m helping my body heal and preventing any further damage-all thanks to Amanda!”

“I am back to my pre-pregnancy fitness levels, and have a far better understanding of my core and pelvic floor than I ever did before!”

“I’ve been able to get back to being active with confidence that I’m helping my body heal and preventing any further damage-all thanks to Amanda!”

ConqHER Core Foundations is a 12-week core strength program for women.

This isn’t just some exercise program thrown together by a pregnant or postpartum fit influencer who decided to capitalize on her pregnancy by videoing her exercises. ConqHER Core Foundations was created by a doctor of physical therapy who specializes in pelvic health and obstetrics, and is a certified pregnancy and postpartum exercise specialist. Dr. Amanda developed this program after years of working with women to heal postpartum or recover from pelvic floor dysfunction.

Get lifetime access to the program and all future updates for $250!

3 workouts per week

You’ll receive three 30-minute workouts per week, progressed over 12 weeks.

Guidance on reps and resistance

Learn how to challenge and progress yourself safely.

Instructional videos

Helpful cues for correct form, in addition to overall correct exercise execution.

Educational modules

Continue your healing with our educational modules to support your postpartum journey.

Get the foundational strength and education you need to care for your body well in life and in exercise.

This program is based on the exact foundations that each and every one of her patients learns when they begin physical therapy with her. It’s the foundational strength and education that she believes every woman should know and have in order to care for her body well in life and in exercise.

 Whether patients come to her for early postpartum healing, pelvic health concerns, core concerns, pain in their back, hips, knees, or just general guidance on exercise safety no matter what stage of life they’re in, this program is the summary of the foundations that each of those patients starts with for their rehab journey. And now YOU have access to it without the time and financial constraints that can come with one on one physical therapy.


Join for $250 for full lifetime access to the course, including additions and upgrades added to the course down the road.

Meet Your Pelvic Floor Coach

Dr. Amanda

Amanda is the owner of ConqHER Pelvic Health in Arvada, Colorado, a pelvic floor PT practice that focuses on helping women through pregnancy and postpartum. After graduating from Texas A&M University in 2012 with her Bachelors in Kinesiology, she went on to earn her Doctorate of Physical Therapy in 2015 from Hardin Simmons University. She is trained in pelvic floor health, obstetrics, and is also a Certified Pregnancy and Postpartum Exercise Specialist. She finds her greatest career passion in getting to help women gain the confidence and empowerment that comes with learning about their body, core, and pelvic floor and feeling strong and good again in their own body.


Is this program only for women who are newly postpartum?

No! This program is for anyone, at any stage of female fitness. But postpartum is a great time to focus on these foundations and the program is built with someone who is postpartum in mind.

What if I’ve already gone back to exercise postpartum?

That’s great! I’d evaluate if you feel it’s going well – do you feel strong and supported during exercise? Are you having any pain during or after it? Do you know how to identify good pelvic floor and core control in your exercises? Are you having any heaviness or pressure in your pelvic floor or bladder control issues? If any of that sounds familiar, then taking a step back to build your foundational strength could be very beneficial!

What should I do after I’ve built these foundations?

Anything you want or that excites you! You’ll have the knowledge necessary to try ANY form of exercise you want and identify safe core and pelvic floor control with it. If you’re interested in continuing to progress your strength with some guidance and while continuing to build better core and pelvic floor health, check out our StrongHER monthly strength program.

Will this program help if I’m having incontinence?

Incontinence can be a complex issue that I would highly recommend seeing a pelvic floor therapist for a thorough evaluation of. However, the education and training in this program are what all of my patients with incontinence learn and won’t cause harm or worsening of your condition.

Will this program help if I have pelvic organ prolapse?

Proloapse can be a complex issue that I would highly recommend seeing a pelvic floor therapist for a thorough evaluation of. However, the education and training in this program are what all of my patients with prolapse learn and won’t cause harm or worsening of your condition.

What if I had a c-section?

The foundations in this program are especially important for recovery after a c-section! There are also specific c-section modules included to offer extra guidance on the differences in c-section recovery so you’ll have everything you need.